Toastmasters Poem

<> <data:> ~ <data: Toastmasters Poem, My first speech at Toastmasters Club, Got a headache and enjoyed it too!/>

 My first speech at my first visit to Toastmasters Club:

Got a headache and enjoyed it too!

To visit Toastmaster’s class, I mustered enough courage
Green tea and buttered toast was my evening food and beverage.

Self-interested and self-invited myself as a guest
Was worried that I don’t end up becoming a pest.

The wooden benches took me back to school
Got to know, Oh my God, in Toastmaster’s there are so many rules.

Born in a land of India, where we are taught, with folded hands to say, Namaste, every day
Here I was seeing one and all, hand shaking, the Toastmaster’s International way.

Expected the Toastmaster to offer us, like at Christian Weddings, here in Goa (India) Cake and Wine
But what we got is fresh patties, crispy wafers and cool drinking water divine.

Anyone was democratically voting for everyone
And everyone was happily evaluating anyone.

Two hours of public talks
Were torture on body and mind.

Thanks to Toastmasters
Who left at least, politicians and priests false speeches behind.

Got a Toastmaster’s headache and enjoyed it too!
And listening to (or reading) this poem of mine, May you get a sweet one too.