About Denzil

<data:digitaldenzil.com/> <data: https://www.digitaldenzil.com/p/about-denzil_3.html/> ~ <data: Digital Denzil, About Denzil Dias/>

Personal Profile:

I am not a people pleaser. I am one diplomatic disaster about to happen. I speak my mind, break hearts (sometimes) and get myself hurt in the end. Just another simple tourist on planet earth.

I am a very deep person. So i like people who love stories, mysteries and enigmatic personalities. I love watching Bollywood and Hollywood movies, but the sensible ones only.

My hobbies are writing poetry and short stories, love debating, Black & White photography, discovering new waterfalls in the deep hinterlands all over India via Trekking or Hiking.

Love making new friends online. But only the sensible ones and i avoid the sentimental types so flooded in the Cyber world. I like people with some amount of "Emotional Intelligence".

I am a very humorous person. I consider myself as a "Tourist" on planet earth. I love to live this passage of life, laughing all the way.

Some may find me too deep, but then i cannot help if they do not know to swim in deep waters. he he Ignorance is surely a bliss i feel. Accurate knowledge or pure information is more of a pain.

Professional Profile:

I am a Self - Employed person. Never been an employee anywhere in India. Always was involved in Entrepreneurship projects and programs that kept me sufficiently self employed and financially satisfied.

For 15 + years till Covid in 2020, ran and managed the successful web design agency/enterprise by name of Holidaygoa Enterprises (www.holidaygoaent.com and www.holidaygoa.com). 

Post Covid, we have moved on and metamorphosed  as a PAN - INDIA Agency providing web based solutions to individual customers and corporate companies more towards the un - penetrated and un - marketed rural micro cities of India.