<data:digitaldenzil.com/> <data: https://www.digitaldenzil.com/p/political-dmc.html> ~ <data: Political DMC Digital Marketing Campaign/>


If you are Political individual, or Party or legal Entity, here is what we can do for you for your Campaigning needs in the traditional and digital world. 

Digital Presence

A digital presence is how your Profile, Personality and Professional life appears on all the different platforms on the internet. It is what people find when they search for you or your work online and it includes in brief: Your websites. Your Blogs. Your social media accounts (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) 

  • Today it is highly imperative for every Political Person to be exceedingly close to this constituency, his prospective voters and supporters. 
  • One has to be totally visible digitally and easily accessible via Mobile Smart Phones, to be in every consumers hand and pocket.
  • We do an exhaustive and intensive effort to create, nurture and promote the Politician on all major and minor digital platforms available all over the Internet. 
  • Today is the age of PUSH Marketing. Push yourself IN or you will be automatically PUSHED OUT of the Digital Market. 
Digital Presence to improve your business

Branding is everything.

People love brands, be it a product, service or person. Branding creates a position of Trust, Reliability and Deliver ability to the consumer. Once this trust is earned and bestowed upon something, then the consumer recognizes the brand he/she loves via its Logo, Trademark, Sign, Symbol or brand identifiers. People don't love Politicians. They love the Ideas, Ideology and Inventiveness that the Politician promotes. This is branding in simple terms. 

  • We will package and promote your political packages to the public.
  • We will portray a professional politician who dares to deliver.
  • We will convert the Politician into a Product that is highly desirable to the voting community.
  • Performance not Perfection. Awareness not Advertising. Approach ability and Availability will be increased tremendously via all available digital tools. 
  • You the Politician will be the Company and your Manifesto will be your Brand.
Branding is everything.

Facebook Marketing

In 2021, half, yes i said half of the world's population are active members on the Social application of Facebook. That is almost 4 Billion or 400 Crores of people out of the 08 Billion population on planet Earth. Are you there on Facebook, not just PASSIVELY with a simple home page and basic information? You need to be ACTIVE very active on Facebook. Since 2013, only 35% of your POSTS that you upload as photos, videos or text are shown by the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE or ALGORITHMS or PROGRAMS to your Facebook Friends. So to regularly and repeatedly reach all of your Facebook friends and the general public too, you have to do lots of SHOUTING & SCREAMING, the decent way of advertising and marketing on Facebook.
  • We make sure that your Home page on Facebook is totally updated and accurately complete with all basic information.
  • We design and upgrade your Business page. 
  • We create and generate a Target Audience to become members of your Group page.
  • We Conceptualize and Create posts that are uploaded daily to your Facebook account. (Creativity is what sets us apart from the others here)
  • Live Videos are encouraged.
  • Recorded videos are appropriately shared.
  • Surveys are done.
  • Opinion Polls are done to collect feedback from potential voters.
  • Creative visually appealing Banners are designed.
  • Photo Gallery
  • Video Gallery
  • Regular Controlled Interviews are posted on relevant topics.
  • Targeted Advertising
  • Facebook Advertising.
AND MUCH, MUCH MORE............

Facebook Marketting

YOU TUBE Videos Marketing

YouTube Marketing is the preparation of promoting businesses, products, services and political ideas and ideologies too on YouTube's Worldwide Video platform, by uploading important videos on the person or companies YouTube channel or by using YouTube ads. NOTE: Youtube.com is owned by Google Search Engine. 

These ideas shared privately in person, as Ideas can get robbed on Internet. 

You Tube Ecosystem

Data Mining. Data is Information, Power and Knowledge in right person hands.

  • Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery in data (KDD), is the process of uncovering patterns and other valuable information from large data sets.
  • The data mining process involves a number of steps from data collection to visualization to extracting valuable information from large data of information.
  • Data mining is the process of analyzing massive volumes of data to discover business intelligence that helps companies solve problems, mitigate risks, and seize new opportunities. 
  • Data mining in few words: Raw data ------- Segregation of Information. ------ Intelligent Information -------- Information that is Knowledge. ----------- Knowledge is Power. ------- Application of Knowledge gained from the Data. --------- Implementation. In this final part when, where, why, whom, what, and how to implement (use) that knowledge for profit is when it gets converted to Wisdom. 
  • Today Commercial and Corporate Companies have recently realized the power of data mining or in short, “Wisdom”. Thousands of years ago, the Almighty Creator and God of the Bible had remarked about it:
The above information provided is just a Teaser or a Trailer of much much more that can be done for any Politician or Political party. Advertising, Marketing and Sales Ideas cannot be healthily shared on a public platform, that the Internet is. 

Private & Personal Appointment is a must for a full presentation and sharing of what can be done and what cannot be done. 

We follow the 4 Monkey Policy:

See no evil. Hear no evil. Talk no evil. Do no evil.